ORF-RE Workshop

Intelligent Multiple Antenna Structures for Adaptive Wireless Systems

          First Session
          Second Session
          HCL Lab
          MISL Lab

Project Sponsors

Microwave and Terahertz Photonics Integrated System Lab (MISL) Tour

12:00 – 1:00

Microwave and Terahertz Photonics Integrated System Lab (MISL), is a world-class characterization facility and an essential part of as ORF/CFI funded "Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems" (CIARS), at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Waterloo. The MISL supports far reaching research in the area of millimeter-wave and terahertz (THz) photonics with emphasis on the THz applications in pharmaceutical and life sciences, communications, and radio astronomy. Researchers at the MISL, work on generation, manipulation, guidance, and detection of terahertz signals using photonic and optoelectronic techniques. One of the major research focuses is on the development of THz photonics devices and systems for biological and pharmaceutical spectroscopy and sensing and medical imaging applications. They are particularly interested in the development of low-complexity and compact THz imagers/spectrometers, which will provide low-cost and easily accessible solutions for a vast number of advanced and vital health related applications, such as cancer diagnosis, gene therapy, and drug assessing/monitoring in pharmaceutical industry, which currently require costly and complex systems. These compact THz systems can be particularly used as disease diagnostic tools for the following: detecting skin and breast cancer – the second leading cause of death for woman from cancer in Canada; as label-free biological spectroscopy and sensing tools for early diagnosis of diseases or gene therapy; and as non-destructive real-time monitoring tools for the drug-manufacturing process and for testing the stability of tablets after production within the storage container or blister pack at drugstores.

For more information please refer to the MISL's web-site.

Terahertz Pulse Spectroscopy and Imaging Setup

Terahertz Photoconductive Photomixer Setup

ORF Conference Contact Information:
Amir K. Khandani
tel. (519) 885-1211 ext 35324
email: khandani@uwaterloo.ca

Workshop Sponsors

Research Organizations